Five Tips: Pro guide to weather routing
Published on March 19th, 2025
Whether you’re preparing for a race or even just a leg of a longer race, there’s always a process for planning your routing, says professional navigator Simon ‘Si Fi’ Fisher.
“I’ll start looking at the forecast and the different weather models about five to six days out from the start. It’s vital to do some wide-ranging research, taking a look at the overall weather pattern and where the models agree or disagree, but it’s also important not to get to the point of paralysis by analysis.”
He uses a range of technology to plan the routing, but advises a KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) approach. “Most of what I do is based around Expedition and Adrena. I think one or the other will serve most people’s needs very well. Ultimately it is better to know the tools you’re using well as opposed to trying to use every software tool available.” – Full report