Preview of 2024 US Junior Women’s Champs

Published on June 28th, 2024

The 2024 U.S. Junior Women’s Championship promises to be a highly competitive event. Scheduled to take place at the Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island, this regatta will run from June 27 to July 1, 2024.

This championship features some of the best young female sailors in the United States, competing in the ILCA 6 and 29er classes. The event not only highlights top tier sailing talent but also emphasizes the importance of sportsmanship and camaraderie among the participants.

Participants are competing for two iconic trophies:
Ida Lewis Trophy – Doublehanded – 29er
Leiter Trophy – Singlehanded – ILCA 6

The Singlehanded Championship was started by Tom Clagett in 1980 at the Ida Lewis Yacht Club, Newport, RI and sailed for a trophy named in memory of Tom’s wife, Nancy, who died in April 1977. In 1985, USYRU (now US Sailing) agreed to support the event on a trial basis. In 1986, it became the U.S. Junior Women’s Singlehanded Championship for the Nancy Leiter Clagett Memorial Trophy.

The U.S. Junior Women’s Doublehanded Championship for the Ida Lewis Trophy championship was started in 1995 when it became apparent that a second championship in a doublehanded boat was needed to complement the singlehanded event. It became a US Sailing national championship in 1996.

A separate sportsmanship prize was later added to both championships in 2001, following Tom’s death in June of that year and a family logo was created for the championships incorporating Tom’s and Nancy’s private yacht signals. Nancy’s signal was a green ladder on a yellow rectangle since “Leiter” is German for ladder. Tom and Nancy’s first boat was named “The Barefoot Girl” after Nancy’s preference not to wear shoes. Tom’s private signal became two white bare feet on a blue triangle. The Singlehanded class flag is Nancy’s signal flag, and the Doublehanded class flag is a representation of the Ida Lewis lighthouse.

The championship is part of US Sailing’s commitment to fostering youth development for women in the sport, providing a platform for young female sailors to showcase their skills and gain valuable experience. It also serves as a steppingstone for many aspiring sailors aiming to compete at higher levels, including national and international competitions.

In addition to intense racing, the event includes clinics and workshops focused on sailing techniques, strategies, and safety, ensuring that all participants benefit from a comprehensive learning experience. The involvement of experienced coaches and sailing professionals further enhances the educational value of the championship.

Event Details:

Source: US Sailing

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