R2AK: Proving ground proves evil

Published on June 10th, 2024

The 8th edition of the 750 mile Race to Alaska (R2AK) began June 9 with a 40-mile “proving stage” from Port Townsend, WA to Victoria, BC. For those that finished within 36 hours, they would be allowed to start the remaining 710 miles on June 12 to Ketchikan, AK. Here’s the Stage 1/Day 1 report:

If you haven’t been, if you weren’t there, the Port Townsend start of the Race to Alaska is as magic a moment of early morning ridiculous as you could possibly imagine.

3 AM wake up? Ridiculous.

The thousand-fan community lining the docks in predawn camaraderie? Ridiculous.

The Unexpected Brass Band that shows up like clockwork for the 5th year in a row? Ironic, fantastic, ridiculous.

Even if it’s the same as last year, there is nothing normal about the R2AK.

Beyond the steadfastly random absurdity of the bleary-eyed hootenanny on the shore, imagine yourself on one of the 40-some boats trying to peel back your eyelids and claw your way to and across the starting line and into the Race to Alaska. 3 AM is early, but especially after an uncomfortable sleep, laden with anticipation. – Full report

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The 8th edition of the Race to Alaska (R2AK) returns again in 2024 for the 750 mile course from Port Townsend, WA to Ketchikan, AK.

Stage 1: The Proving Ground – June 9 start
Port Townsend, WA to Victoria, BC (40 miles)

R2AK starts with an initial jaunt across open water, two sets of shipping lanes, and an international border. While not a race in itself, the Proving Ground is designed as a qualifier for the full race and as a stand-alone 40 mile sprint for people who just want to put their toe in.

Stage 2: To the Bitter End – June 12 start
Victoria, BC to Ketchikan, AK (710 miles)

Racers start in Victoria at high noon and continue until they reach Ketchikan—or are tapped out by the sweep boat. Unlike the 2022 and 2023 races, the western side of Vancouver Island is no longer an option as the course has returned to the original format with two waypoints at Seymour Narrows and Bella Bella.

Source: R2AK

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